Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Caputo Update

Hey guys!

Mary, I love your color-coded map...that was a great story. Thank god you flagged down the minivan mom! And Jenn, that link is pretty hilarious. That's exciting to know the marathon banners are already up and people are training on the course.

My half marathon a week and a half ago went well...I came in 3rd overall and won $50! Woohoo! I ran out way too hard and at the first mile I heard my split and literally said SHIT. But then I slowed way down and managed to maintain a steady pace for the rest of the race. I was running with this one girl for a while which was so helpful cause we were able to work together...and then I passed her on a hill hehe. So overall, very psyched about the half marathon.

This past weekend I did a 16.5 miler with Tocco and Sheeds in and around DC. Part of the run we did through the Smithsonion zoo which is always interesting...a lot of the animals were still inside the buildings cause it was around 8:00 am on a saturday...but we did see an emu and some random pygmy horses that were outside.

So right now, I have this awful cough and have been hacking up a lung all day. I stayed home from work and took the day off from running...so hopefully I am better soon to get back to running! It sucks being sick....I hate not being able to do normal, everyday things. On that note, I am getting my ass to bed, so I can get better soon :)

Happy running!

Caputo :)


Nodine said...

Poor Caput! Hope the day(s) off helps, and I hope you feel better soon.

Nodine said...

P.S. Caputo, I stalked you and found your half marathon time....damn, you're fast. I'm so proud of my fellow Ex-Jumbo!

j2 said...

don't leave us all in suspense please!
what was your time?

ps - also hope you feel better soon lauren. though on the bright side, at this point, you've already done all the hard work in terms of training....so i wouldn't worry about missing a few days.

Nodine said...


It was 1:28:22 unless another Lauren Caputo did a half marathon in the DC area on the same day, and came in third.

6:45 pace. I think you might leave me in the dust in Boston, Caputo, but I can handle it! I'll take my time, smell the roses (or the gatorade), and hopefully still break 3:25. I am getting so excited!

Caputo said...

Oh you guys are so nice! Thank for the compliments guys....I really surprised myself that day. You would not believe what my first mile was...I was obviously overly excited...it was a 6:10! I thought I was going to die by the end. I stayed mostly in the 6:40s and 6:50s after that and I dropped one 7:15, so it wasn't a very even paced race, but I was damn happy with the outcome. Mary, I'm so excited too! You guys are going to do great. I think we will all surprise ourselves. I have restored faith in "race mode"....you know, what you can do when you're actually in a race...what you thought you'd never be able to do during a training run. Cause that's what that race proved! Don't underestimate race mode. Can't wait for marathon weekend!