Tuesday, April 22, 2008


You guys are a piece of history!
Congrats to Jenn, Caputo and Mary on the PRs and Claudia I saw you rocked out!

You guys are such an inspiration, I wish I was there to watch! But I thought of your hard work and tried to picture you running up Heartbreak Hill and I thought this is the reason Boston is great!

I hope you remember these moments always, what an accomplishment!
Lots of love, Megan

You all rocked it, I'm so proud!

A big congrats out to all of those who ran! I hope everyone was happy with their times, effort, and raceday experience. I think that the training leading up to the big show is just as memorable and important as the race itself. So, if you didn't meet your goal I hope you can reflect on how much fun (at times!) training has been for you.
I wish I could've met up with you all pre-race in the village, but the wave 2 buses were uber late.

I had a great time, the crowd support was unbelievable!
Though it was a great experience, I plan to be in better shape/hopefully injury-free for my next Boston.

Take it easy before the "what will my next marathon be" planning ensues!


Monday, April 21, 2008

The Absent Spectator

Congratulations to all those who ran! Y'all put up some impressive times. I was quietly cheering at my computer screen, wishing you could hear me, refreshing way more often then you were each going to hit another 5k marker. Quite exciting. I can't wait to read your post race posts ;D The BAA had a great website set up where you could find runners and "track" them (up to 5) through each 5k split. It updated your pace and projected finishing time! I was totally rooting for each of you every mile!

In other spectator news, we did watch the marathon coverage on TV -- the womens race turned into an exciting battle to the finish! We watch as 10 becomes 6... 6 becomes 2... coming down to the wire as the miles are ticking past. The women have been running for 2 hours 20 minutes and the announcer informs us, it could come down to these last 4 minutes (CRAZY AWESOME!), the finish, the kick, who looks stronger, which one will win? 12:00pm sharp, two ladies battling to the finish, rounding the corner at Boylston, we're on the edge of our seats to see who will pull away, who will hang on, and who will win. It's a battle of epic proportions... or, wait, check out this driver, GOLF channel!? what the?! We're sitting there stunned, what just happened? Where did the feed go? Who won? Did she surge, did she come back, did she pull away? My friends, by the time we got the podcast going it was over. We watched the finish of the mens race and the laurel wreaths awarded, even the baseball game when that was all over, but the end of the womens race... NO, that was not to be. We have sent several angry emails to VS, who in the final minutes of the closest womens finish in the history of the Boston Marathon, shut down their feed and put on an infomercial for a pivoting driver that "lets you know" when you've got a bad backswing! Rediculous. Apparently the savvy absent spectator relies on multiple modes of media in case stupid cable channel executives pull the plug on the sporting event you've invested 2.5 hours of your life on watching to the conclusion (including watching their tons of commercials) to put on some random and irrelevant paid advertising. Next time we'll know. Or next time we'll just RUN BOSTON. ha!

Hey ladies, Congratulations again on a great race!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Taper Time!

Who is excited for the taper?

Stef and I did our last 20 this past Saturday and it went very well...we ran 7 miles to the start of the DC marathon, then did 10 miles in the race which was great for drinking water/gatorade, and then we veered off course to do the last 3 miles back toward our houses. We were planning on ending at the Memorial Bridge on the Virginia side, and we were literally 100 m from the end of the bridge, when Stef went down....just tripped! She tore up her hands a little bit, but she was ok....talk about ironic! Only a few more steps to go! We walked to the metro from there and took that back the last mile. Thank god for that Metro. And I actually kind of hurt my hip toward the end of the run...I think I strained it a little bit somehow. I took yesterday off and it's feeling much better today and I got new running shoes (gotta break them in before the race!) so I think that will help too.

Did everyone get their race info? My mom called me the other day all excited cause I had it sent to my parents house....she was like, "You got somethin about the marathon!" She checked and I'm in the first wave...I think I'm like 12,000 something. Did you guys get your packets?

I must say I'm pretty excited about the taper! All the really hard work is behind us...now we just need to do our runs, not do anything crazy, and stay healthy :)


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Caputo Update

Hey guys!

Mary, I love your color-coded map...that was a great story. Thank god you flagged down the minivan mom! And Jenn, that link is pretty hilarious. That's exciting to know the marathon banners are already up and people are training on the course.

My half marathon a week and a half ago went well...I came in 3rd overall and won $50! Woohoo! I ran out way too hard and at the first mile I heard my split and literally said SHIT. But then I slowed way down and managed to maintain a steady pace for the rest of the race. I was running with this one girl for a while which was so helpful cause we were able to work together...and then I passed her on a hill hehe. So overall, very psyched about the half marathon.

This past weekend I did a 16.5 miler with Tocco and Sheeds in and around DC. Part of the run we did through the Smithsonion zoo which is always interesting...a lot of the animals were still inside the buildings cause it was around 8:00 am on a saturday...but we did see an emu and some random pygmy horses that were outside.

So right now, I have this awful cough and have been hacking up a lung all day. I stayed home from work and took the day off from running...so hopefully I am better soon to get back to running! It sucks being sick....I hate not being able to do normal, everyday things. On that note, I am getting my ass to bed, so I can get better soon :)

Happy running!

Caputo :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

hello my marathon running buddies!
happy easter! but more importantly - happy 'one more hard long run till taper time'!
i assume most of you are running your last 20ish run next weekend....and let's be honest...is that not the best news ever?!? :)
i'm pumped.
this weekend i ran 18 on the course again.....and at this point, i think i've memorized every nook and cranny on heartbreak hill (by the way, check out this piece on heartbreak...it will make you laugh....http://www.lava.net/~marathon/H_Hill.html.) it was nice to finally not run in rain or hurricane force wind gusts...though it was still a bit more windy than i would have liked....but i suppose the elements make us stronger runners, right? anyways, the course was packed with people training for boston, so that was fun and motivating.
today i ran an easy 8 along the charles....and finally switched to my race-day shoes. have you guys started breaking those in yet?

how is everyone feeling in general? hopefully no one is suffering from any major aches/pains/injuries.

also wanted to report that while walking around downtown boston today, i noticed that the marathon banners are now up on the lamp posts in the city!!!! yay...that's exciting. race day is almost upon us.

well....i will leave you with some images to get you psyched up.
enjoy this last week before taper time!!!

ps - mary, my FRIEND adam has done some more runs with me....and we've hung out a few times with other people....but nothing more than that. i'm still just trying to get to know him....will keep you posted.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mary and John's Long Run Adventure

On Saturday John and I went for a long run. I think I've mentioned that he is running a marathon in Denver about a month after Boston....so we had a great plan. We parked the car a few miles from our house, a little outside of town where you can get to all these lovely farm roads, some dirt and some paved, very scenic, very hilly. John wanted to run 15 miles, so we mapped it all out so that he would do a loop ending at the car and run 15, and I would run back home, doing 20. Well, the problem was, we planned this all via the trusty internet and never actually drove our route to make sure it actually made sense....and, well, I will tell the rest of my story via a color coded map:

Here's the key:

Start at the yellow star and follow the route counterclockwise (i.e. go south first)

Purple line = Our planned route (about 16 miles, after which I was to run home)

Red dotted line = Route we actually ran. We missed our turn, whatever, we'll just take the next left, it will still go the same place, right? Hmm, this is getting long, Sorry John, you might end up running a little more than 15, but no problem, we can't be that far away.

Red frowny face = Point at which we saw our other route come in....and noted that we had been running for 2 hours and 55 minutes and we still had about 8 miles to go!

Blue line = Portion of route that we walked, after having run for about 3:25

Green line = Portion of the route that we hitchhiked, in a soccer mom's minivan, at my insistence....I was hungry and was NOT walking the five miles back to our car! And boy, was it a great decision.

And the final red-dotted portion: The soccer mom dropped us off to head up to town, I ran the last mile or so to the car (painfully) and John walked and I picked him up. I think I totaled about 21.5 miles, which really isn't anything crazy, but it felt long with all the adventure. Then we went home and watched our Netflicks DVD of Freaks and Geeks which I thought would be stupid and then found myself vegging out on the couch in front of it for three hours...it's so funny!

What a great way to spend a Saturday. I can't believe it's Friday again....and one month till the Marathon. I'm doing 12 miles this weekend, then one more 20+ next weekend, then it's taper time. Hope training and work and life are going well for everyone. Post away!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hey everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't written in so long. Mary, your trip to Cancun looked amazing...that's so awesome your work sent you there! Jenn, I was in yoga last night too! It was the hottest yoga session I've been to yet, and I thought I was going to pass out the minute I walked into the room, but I survived. I think I drank a gallon of water after class. I liked the poem from Gregor :)

As for race day, I am definitely taking the buses out to Hopkinton. I'm staying at my house in Belmont and will probably get a ride in/close to Park Street. If I can't get a ride, I'm going to park at Alewife and T it in. Jenn, that is so nice of you for offering your place to shower at the next day....I might take you up on that! Last year I took a cab home and passed out on my couch for the rest of the day. It might be good for our legs to walk around for a little.

I'm doing a half marathon on Saturday and I'm super excited....am I crazy? Yes, I think this training has actually made me a little insane. This morning I did a tempo run with Stef and Sheeds around the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. We did the same thing last week and the view was absolutely gorgeous when the sun was coming up....it was all pinks and purples across the sky with the Washington Monument in the background and the colors reflecting off the water. Maybe I can get a picture for you guys in a couple weeks when the time change catches back up to us.

I can't wait for spring!!!

Happy running :)


Race Day Plans

Hey guys!
Quick post to reply to Mary's questions re: race day.
My plan is to just take the official marathon buses out to Hopkinton. I'm guessing they'll be leaving at an ungodly hour in the morning, but it seems to be the least-stressful way of getting there and assuring that we'll get there on time. This is my first time doing Boston at the earlier start time which I'm excited about. I figure I do most of my long runs in the morning, so I'm happy to be running the race in the morning vs. the afternoon.
Afterwards, since I live in walk-able distance from the finish line, I'll probably just walk/crawl home. You all are welcome to drop stuff off at my house the day before with shower stuff, etc. in case you want to shower and refresh after the marathon before meandering back to Somerville or wherever. Just let me know!

On another note.....in my yoga class last night, the instructor (awesome little Scottish man named Gregor) read this poem while we were resting in our last pose...and I love it, so I thought I'd share. It's called Anyway.

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you may win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. Be honest and frank anyway.
Transparency may make you vulnerable. Be transparent anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.Do good anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give the world your best anyway.
Happy running this weekend! Almost to taper time...


Hi Bloggers,

This is more a question/forum than a post: What are everyone's plans for marathon day? What have you all done in the past to get to the starting line and get away from the finish line? I am going to be staying with my sister near Porter Square, and my family will be watching me from Wellesley (where my brother goes to school, not at Wellesley College! At Babson.) But I need to figure out how I am getting to the starting line and how I will meet up with my family again after. I'm thinking I'll probably just take the T back to Somerville and find them there....I don't imagine them coming downtown in a car to pick me up! Even though I know the T will be crazy too. As for getting to the starting line, I have no clue. Any thoughts? Can I meet up with any of you to head over there?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cancun and Eureka Springs

This weekend/early this week I was in Cancun. For a conference. Which I attended most of the time, but I did go snorkeling one day. It wasn't that great for running though. Oh, but it's okay because I did my long run on Friday before I left. Twenty miles, baby! I felt alright too, but near the end I did a big hill and once I got up it and started running easier I could feel the lactic acid set in pretty fast.....just a little preview of heartbreak hill I guess....oh man. In Cancun I did six miles outside one day and felt like I was going to die, it was so hot and humid (I've gotten soft after moving away from Austin) so the next day I ran on a treadmill and watched Spanish cartoons, which was a lot nicer.

Tomorrow morning John and I are racing a 10k. It's in this little historic, Victorian town called Eureka Springs about an hour from us. And the grand prize is an overnight stay in Eureka springs for two at a bed and breakfast, complete with massages and dinner! So I am tapering for it a little. Because you never know who will (or won't) show up at these small town races....anyway, I'll give y'all a full report!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

run like the wind!

hey girls! just wanted to wish you all a happy running weekend. i'm off for a short stint (don't think i've ever actually used that word before) with the 'rents in miami so will be taking this weekend 'off'....which means i will do my best to run some, but will likely not do a super long run and my main goal is to rest and relax and get refreshed for the last bit of the boston winter and marathon training.

lauren, i understand your obsession. sometimes i just feel like my body itself is craving a power yoga class. don't get me wrong, usually i'm cursing the instructor under my breath for the first 20 minutes of class....but by the end, without a doubt, i'm so content and stretched out and at peace, that it makes it all worth it. (ha! that's the yogi inside of me speaking)

what do i do for cross-training? well....my usual week consists of only running 4 days (this is a new thing for me, and was hard to accept at the beginning.....but it's just the way it worked out b/c lots of times i'll have to do my workout at 5:30 am before work...and with it cold and dark and snowy, running just wasn't going to happen). i try to run 4 days per week, and on 2 days i do the elliptical machine in the morning....and then either a yoga class or indoor rock climbing in the evening (which i also highly recommend as a fun alternative to strength training......see picture).

great job with the blogging!

Yoga or Sliced Bread

I can't figure out which is more popular in Berkeley, CA. Even my downstairs neighbor (who is a little crazy) and her boyfriend are both yoga instructors. I admit I love yoga too!

One quick suggestion though, next time you look online for a schedule and show up to a yoga class...make sure you have the right studio. I looked up "Yoga Mandala" online and it showed a 7pm class one night and I showed up to shut doors! Then I went back to the website and realized I had been looking at "Yoga Mandala" in Worcester, MA! Wouldn't know from the website. Ha ha.

Also I HIGHLY recommend swimming and biking for cross-training. Not that I run much these days, but swimming on a Monday feels Heavenly after a 70-mile bike ride on a Saturday and a 10-mile run on a Sunday, it feels Amazing to get off your feet! Yoga for me keeps me to be able to run, And keeps me relaxed in life.

Happy Trails! Your guys runs sound so fun, I have had boring runs lately, I need a buddy, my sister ditches me for snowboarding every weekend.
XOX Megan D

Spin Class

Hello buddies!

First, Jenn, I just want to tell you how much I am OBSESSED with power yoga! I am so excited to go to the class every weekend. I only go once a week too, but just that has actually given me shoulders and I swear I have better posture...I don't slouch as much! I've never been to that studio in Porter Sq. but everyone I know that has gone there has raved about it. I will have to go next time I'm home.

And Mary, don't knock the cadbury mini-egg pancake til you try it! If you like chocolate you'll be in heaven :) Maybe I should try marketing it?!

This morning I went to a Spin Class with Sheeds at Gold's Gym. I was sorta nervous at first since I had never been to one before and it sounded pretty hardcore....but I really liked it and it was a great workout! I think anything longer than 45 min though would have been tough...I started looking at the clock with 15 min to go. The instructor is this guy in his early 30s...pretty hilarious with his remarks...and he played 90s rock music the majority of the time. Brought me back, I must say. It was definitely a nice change-up to using the elliptical or biking on your own. What do you guys usually do for cross training and how often? To be honest, I only cross train when I'm really sick of running or if I have an injury, but this morning I went just for fun...makes me remember that cross training is a really good workout too.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Long Run

My run last Saturday was 18 miles. This weekend I will try for the big 2-0. There is really not much to report....I did it by myself because John was out of town. It's weird but I think I run better by myself sometimes anyway. When he's not there to complain to, I suck it up! Anyway, it was a nice run. I mostly stayed off the roads and ran on running paths and trails. I ran around Lake Fayetteville (see picture), which I do often and is 5.5 miles, part trails and part paved. I ran around it twice. It is hard to find a loop around here that isn't super hilly, and repeating myself was a way to make it so. Not that I avoid hills....I mean, I know I need them. But the hills around here are like WALL hills. Short and steep. Not ideal on your 15th mile. A typical 5-miler near my house can be pretty crazy. Someday I'll post an elevation profile of a run.

But I digress. Another point: I LOVE GU. On my long runs I typically bring a gu or two and eat one every hour or so. And I carry a water bottle. Somehow I find it the most delicious thing ever after running for a long time. I've tried drinking gatorade but I can't handle it. It sloshes too much in my stomach. Do you guys carry fluids/calories? (I know Jenn Edelmann is a camel....).

And my final point....every time I finish a long run I am always thinking, How on EARTH did I run a marathon last year, and a lot faster than this too? I guess it was adrenaline and tapering and a lot of hard work. But running this long is no joke. Crashing on the couch and eating Mini-Egg pancakes is perfectly excusable. (Just kidding...there is NO excuse for eating Mini-Egg pancakes...that is just weird, Caputo!) After my long run I.....ate grilled cheese and tomato soup and then did my taxes. I think I fell asleep at 9 that night though, don't worry.

Monday, February 25, 2008

hello MARCH!

hello ladies!
just wanted to write a quick update on my training......
so, "how was my long run?"...well, it was just that...one real LONG run. ha!
but i survived.
i wanted to get in my first 20 miler, but b/c i missed the 16-mile marker on the course (which was my turn-around point), i think i went closer to 21+ miles. grrr...i hate when that happens.
i ran on sunday b/c of the friday snow here...and was accompanied part of the way by my new friend adam (the guy i met at a bar while out in central square some weeks ago....he's good...keeps me mindful of pace). anyways, all in all the run wasn't too bad.....we conquered heartbreak hill, and it was nice and sunny throughout the whole thing. BUT once i got back to my apartment i was pretty much out of commission for the rest of the day. lauren, i love the way you said you were on your couch for an hour. hi - try 5 hours! :)

oh yeah, also wanted to comment on your doing power yoga.
don't you love it? when you were in boston did you ever go to the baptiste studio in porter (it's a hot power yoga place)? i've been going for the last fews years....just once a week....but i think it's done wonders on my overall strength and flexibility and core muscles and sense of balance etc. etc. i swear it's one of the reasons why i've been able to stay injury-free in my running (knock on wood).

anyways....time for me to get ready for bed.
hope everyone is doing well and loving the fact that march is here at the end of this week!!!

keep up with the posts.....i find that they really help me stay motivated.
talk soon,

ps - i feel like since i asked everyone else what their goal times were...i should disclose mine. well, i honestly have no real goal time for this upcoming boston. ideally, it would be awesome to come close to my PR (3.06)...but realistically i think this race will be closer to 3.20ish. but who knows!?!
would be fun to start off with some of you if that's possible.....g' night!

26 Miles Running Aint That Bad...

Hi Friends:
I am not a marathon runner. I like to spectate and ride my bike along...26 miles running certainly sounds like a long way. Well here's a short story to make it sound much more manageable perhaps :)

So I gave my ex-boyfriend Tim a call on Saturday night. It was his birthday. I ask how he is. He says "Great!" Always happy that boy. "Except for one thing. I have a broken leg." I ask him how did he break it, knowing full well it must have happened surfing, his passion in life. He said yes, he was surfing and fell on a massive rock and broke his tibia and couldn't walk etc. "Where were you?" I ask. He proceeds to tell me about his 4-day adventure to the 'Lost Coast' of California. At the 'Lost Coast' way up in Humboldt County CA, there is a 30-mile stretch of untouched land, forest, and beach, with no roads or people anywhere. Many people do a 3 day hike through Lost Coast to get away from it all. It is very beautiful I can assert.

Tim was hiking Lost Coast and decided to spend a few days surfing about 20 miles from his car, he was camping out, surfing, and spending time with his Dog Bunker. Well one day he breaks his leg surfing and there is nobody in sight for miles and miles, no phones, no car, no nothing. So he goes on to drink half a bottle of tequila that night because he is in agonizing pain and cannot walk. Finally the next afternoon a couple hikes by and he hobbles over, giving them some phone numbers telling his situation. A day and a half later, Tim got helicoptered out of the Lost Coast by the Coast Guard and put right into a cast. Tim said he would not have made it and stayed in good measure if not for his dog Bunker!

He said 20 miles sounded like the farthest thing in the world that day.
Yet many marathon runners can run 20 miles in 2 hours! If only you were there to help ;)
Happy Training. You guys got it going on, I'll say!!
Happy Monday! How was everyone's weekend? Claud, how did the Coach Bubba race go? Stef and I completed our first 20-miler this past Saturday...it was a big loop though DC that went through Rock Creek Parkway, all the way up to Betheda, MD, and then back down to Georgetown along the bike path. It's pretty crazy we actually ran to Maryland...a whole other state. I don't think I've ever done that before. We ran with 4 other girls (3 of whom are also doing Boston) so we had a nice big group to run with...it definitely keeps it entertaining. I felt pretty good the whole way, except at the end I always get tired and start running sloppy...I definitely need to work on that! And my hips always get a little tight, but I guess that just comes with running really far and I just need to stretch a lot before and after. After the run, Stef and I made chocolate-banana (choc-ban!!!) pancakces and they were SO amazing! I added some Cadbury mini-eggs into my last pancake to make it extra tasty...it was a choc-ban pancake on steroids!! The pancake-fest induced my body into a food coma and I totally passed out on my couch for an hour...oops! But I guess it was well-deserved after running 20 miles :)

Yesterday I went to a power yoga class with Stef and I am really hurting today...which is a good thing! This class was pretty hard-core...I think we were doing the flow sequence for like 10 minutes straight and I thought my arms were going to snap. Luckily, they didn't :) Hopefully all these yoga sessions will make me stronger!

How was YOUR long run?


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Adventures from Caputo

Hey everyone! I was so excited to see new posts I had to respond right away, even though I'm work right now hehe. Sooo, my runs have been going well...although I had a little scare last Tuesday after work. It started to rain after work and the temperature dropped really quickly, so the rain started turning to ice when it hit the ground...and some areas quicker than others. I was walking along, happy to be out of work...and hurrying to the metro...when all of a sudden...I slipped on the sidewalk...flew in the air...and literally landed on my back! Just imagine a cartoon character getting the rug pulled out from under them and that was me!! No joke! I was ok, thank god...I saw two other people do the same exact thing in the next 5 min. It was treacherous! The secretary of defense slipped and broke his shoulder that night...and I think about half my office slipped and fell. Not wanting to push it too hard, I took Wednesday off from running and relaxed. And I was able to run Thurs through Sunday with no problem so I'm glad that fall didn't take me out for a while!

I did 17 on Saturday with Stef and Sheeds which went pretty well...we ran part with our friend Tim so it was an entertaining run. We actually ran out to Hains Point...I'm sure you've seen this picture before!

Oh and I've been doing yoga which has been awesome! I think it's really going to help me with jsut being stronger overall.

As of right now, my marathon goal time is 3:20, although I may revisit this goal and maybe push it a little faster! Mary, we should try and run together...I bet we will be in the same corral! (I was 3:32 from last year...). I invited Lolly to this post who is one of Sheedy's runner friends and who ran a 3:32 in Dallas so she will be right near us also. I think we need a name for our team...

Happy running! Post soon.


Monday, February 18, 2008

happy pres day!

hello everyone!
mary, sorry to hear that you didn't get today off.
but congrats on that awesome pace run and your 17-miler!

like you, i don't have too much exciting to report to the blog crew. this weekend i ran a 16-miler along the charles river. (next weekend i plan to jump up to 20).
this morning's run was fabulous (fyi, that's sarcasm). i didn't think it was raining too hard....so decided to go out again to the river (since i had run on a treadmill yesterday and couldn't bear the thought of another run on that machine). anyways, so at first it was fine....raining somewhat steadily but all in all, not too bad. then i crossed to the cambridge side and was heading in the opposite direction and it was like all hell broke lose. the sky opened up and rain just poured down. and the wind was insane. the raindrops were literally stinging my face.......it sucked so much i almost had to laugh out loud during the run. but nonetheless i finished the mileage i wanted to do. and spent the rest of the day warm and cozy in my tufts sweatshirt.

by the way, am i allowed to ask what everyone's goal times are for boston? and has everyone on this blog already run a marathon?
as for me, i'm taking this marathon as a 'let's see what i can do with limited training'....in other marathons, i've been much more insane with my preparation (track workouts, running journal, hill workouts, etc.).....but i've decided to go easy this go-around.

well....hope everyone had a good 3 or 2-day weekend.
keep up the good work ladies! almost to the 2-month mark!

Successful Weekend

I don't have anything exciting to post....I am sort of just procrastinating at work. (I work for an unpatriotic company that doesn't give us President's day off. Or Patriot's Day! WTF?) BUT I am going to share my most recent triumph. On Friday I did my 9 mile pace run. I averaged 7:42 (goal is 7:40-7:50) with a bit of a fast start, a couple 7:50's in the middle but a 7:30 last mile. And I felt fantastic. It was the best pace run I've had yet. The next day I did 17 and felt decent considering the pace run the day before. So it seems the hard work is paying off after a difficult couple of weeks (the long skiing break probably helped too).

How is everyone else handling the increased mileage? Please report your adventures! Even though running adventures are sometimes hard to come by ("Um....I put one foot in front of the other. For a long time. It was good.")

I will try to find a good picture for you guys too. Maybe something inspiring.

Okay I didn't find anything good. But this one is Old School and has three of the Bloggers on it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Training = another job?

Hmm. After reading about that woman and her daughter, I do feel like this training regiment is a cakewalk. But there are times when I feel like it's like having a second (or third in my case) job. We make schedules and programs that dictate the pace of our week. We (ahem Caputo) get up at ungodly hours to squeeze in our track workouts/runs before our next scheduled activity. We pound water like it's beer (especially if we had too many beers and need to "hydrate" in time for next morning's long run.

Why do we do this? Because we feel awesome after the completion of each workout, speed session, long run, and tempo. It's like our Zoloft, a stroke to our running ego, a reason to feel little/no guilt for hitting the Kirspy Kreme. It's totally worth it, sometimes difficult to explain to the non-running community.

Next weekend, I'm doing my first "speed check" race- the Coach Bubba 20K. It's a race put on by my track club (Carolina Godiva Track Club) to honor our club member Bruce that died during a run. He was a marathoner himself, a big guy (don't you feel like all Bruce's are big guys?) that was a motivational "coach" to newbie runners.

I'm pumped-it's a mix of hills and flat goodness. And I had to take the day off of work at the clinic to for this race; my other job comes along with its own set of responsibilities too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two Trials

Hi folks,

My parents found out about this woman in Maine who is running the US Olympic Marathon trials in Boston (the same weekend as the Boston Marathon). She is doing a fundraiser for the Maine Children's Cancer Program because her daughter is undergoing treatment for childhood leukemia. You should check our her website:


It's really inspiring. She has a training blog on there telling about her daily runs, as well as a blog about her daughter's treatment. Seriously, both in the intensity and volume of her training and in the other stuff she's dealing with on a day-to-day basis, it makes what we're doing look like a piece of cake!

I had a fabulous weekend of skiing with Megan and Liz in Colorado (and five days off of running!). We did do some cross-country skiing on Sunday, which was a blast. Now I'm refreshed and ready to get back into it...nine miles this afternoon. Hope you all are having a good week. Caput and Stef, I am amazed at your early wake-ups! I hate doing speedwork in the morning because of that tired, dazed feeling. Easier runs I can handle...I just go really slow though!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Morning Bird

Nice posts girls! Right now I am hanging out in the critt cott (critter cottage...that is my my apartment with Sheedy)...we're drinking some wine and just finished watching Project Runway. I was just lamenting how I don't get enough sleep anymore...because I stay up late watching tv...and because I get up between 5:30 and 5:45 nowadays!! Yes, you read that right. Lauren Caputo...the usual night owl...gets up at the crack of dawn. I am the ultimate morning bird now! How is this possible? I have no idea to be honest! I myself cannot believe that I get up that early to go running. It's insane to me. Tuesday morning I woke up at 5:25 so I could eat a little granola bar and get ready before Stef came over to the crit cott. Then Stef, Sheeds, and I left at 5:45 to jog up to the track where we did a little trackie workout...and we were back at the crit cott by 7:15! It's actually kind of nice cause you don't have any time to think about the workout at all, and it's over before you know it. The only bad thing is you are kind of tired in the first couple of intervals...you need a little more time to get into the workout. Pretty crazy huh!

Stef and I are doing a long run on Friday morning since we are both really busy this weekend...(Stef has Meet The Parents weekend and my sister Kristi is visiting this weekend)....so I'll fill you in on that soon.

Happy Hump Day!!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Poor Patriots! :(

Morning ladies! How was everyone's weekend? Did you all enjoy your long runs?

The mood is pretty sullen and dreary here in Boston.....poor Tom & crew. Though I must admit I'm kinda pumped b/c I won some money from our office pool.

Anyways, this weekend my runs went pretty well. I did an easy 14 miler on Saturday along the Charles. It was sunny and somewhat mild.....yet I was fighting a nasty headwind on the Cambridge side.

Yesterday I went for a brisk 7.5 on the Charles again. Funny story - did the run with a random guy that I had met at the Field (bar in Central) on Saturday night. (By the way, for the record, I don't normally do this). My friend Emma and I just started talking wtih some guys and it came out in the conversation that I was a runner and was training for Boston....and one of the guys said he was into triathlons and had run a marathon in Buenos Aires....and he was dumbfounded when he asked my best marathon time....so he said we should run together on Sunday. Little did I know he would totally kick my ass and we would be sprinting the whole time. But it was a nice change of pace...and perhaps we'll run together again soon. :)

Alrighty....time to start the workday.
Happy Monday!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Pace runs....

Scare the crap out of me!

In my effort to improve my marathon time in Boston over my qualifying race in Austin, I am trying a more aggressive training program. I am (roughly, and with less mileage) following this Hal Higdon program: http://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/advancedint.htm because I'd heard good things about it. (There's a nice picture of Hal for you too....he's pretty hard core.) One of the cornerstones of the program is the marathon-pace runs done two out of every three weeks that increase in distance up to 10 miles. I've been doing them faithfully and so far I have done one 5-miler, two 6- and one 7-. Today I have to do 8. I do them Fridays after work at a measured running trail around this lake. And every time they make me nervous all day!

The thing about them is, I try to hit my goal pace of 7:40-7:50 miles, which is roughly 3:20-3:25 for a marathon. I've done it successfully so far, but when I run that fast for 6 or more miles, it's hard, man! So it makes me doubtful that I can actually run 26.2 miles that fast....but hopefully in any case these workouts will make me stronger.

Anyway, wish me luck, and I wish all of YOU luck on your long runs, etc. this weekend (or Monday). I am running 16 this weekend but next weekend I am taking a break from running to go skiing in Colorado with Megan and Liz. Woohoo!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Omaha Runner

My most interesting running story of this marathon training happened a couple weekends ago, when I was in Omaha visiting John's sister Annie. It was bitterly cold and windy and everything was covered in snow (this is all a big deal for me now that I live in Arkansas) but I still was adamant about doing my 14 miles...so Annie helped map out a 7-mile loop that I could do twice, so I wouldn't get too lost. John decided to come along for the first 7 miles and bail, so after the first loop I had no company and was feeling a little sluggish. I stopped to walk in this park for a minute to eat my gu and drink some (half-frozen) water and this guy comes up behind me, he's in his 30's or 40's, all bundled up and running like me, and he starts making small talk. I kind of started running really slow (not like I was already going that fast) figuring he'd take off, but he just stepped in with my pace and started running with me and chatting. Any other day I might have thought this was weird or have been annoyed, but hey, I was in an city I didn't know, I was tired and slipping around on the snow, and as it turned out I was pretty happy for the distraction. So basically this running-nerd guy ran with me happily for about 5 miles, talking my ear off about all the marathons he'd done, plus ultra-marathons, cyclists he'd dated, thoughts about the midwest, how he'd qualified for the Boston Marathon three times but never run it because he thought it was too expensive and mainstream (haha, I wasn't offended...and he knew I was running it), and asking me questions on occasion. Seriously, he was a godsend. And about a mile before I was back at Annie's house he said goodbye and took off in his own direction.

I love runners.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Triple Tandem Workout

OB visited a couple weekends ago, and we were very lucky she was able to bring her triple tandem down. We got a little cross training in on the bike that weekend...rode to Mt. Vernon and back...hahaha. Ok every time I look at that picture I die laughing. How hilarious is this???

Long Runs

Hey ladies!

I'm so excited this Blog is up and going. Thanks Caput!

I actually do my long runs on Mondays (I work @ Planned Parenthood and clinic is closed).

I did a 16 miler this morning; it started off cold (28) then mid-run it spiked up to the low 50s!
Good thing I loop by my car. My long runs frequent trails in Duke Forest or running from Duke's West-Central-East campuses and back. I miss the option of being able to just run from my front door; there aren't many sidewalks around here and most roads don't even have shoulders. Almost weekly cops, pedestrians, motorists with flats get hit by cars passing by.

Do you girls typically do your long runs with a buddy or alone? I do my speedwork with some runnergirls, but with my schedule my long runs have been limited to me and my iPod.

Happy trails!


Another weekend....another training run!

Good morning! Not sure I know everyone.....I graduated Tufts '01 and '03, and ran xc and track.....so HELLO if I've never met you....and I'm looking forward to officially meeting you all on Patriot's Day!!!

So pumped to have a little extra motivation through this blog. This weekend for the first time in a while, I decided to do my long run on the course itself....figured I should finally try and incorporate some hills into my training. Luckily I decided to do the run on Saturday, and the weather wasn't too bad....a bit cold but nice and sunny (as opposed to yesterday where it snowed some here in Beantown and was really windy). Anyways, all in all I felt pretty decent during the run.....there were tons of other runners on the course which was nice.

Hmmm??? trying to think of something else to say...you guys heard that Lance Armstrong is running Boston, right? And still not sure if Katie Holmes is in or out....

Okay...happy Monday folks! Hope you all have a good week of training this week.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday Long Run

Hello virtual running team! I'm so glad we finally got this blog going! On Saturday, Stef, Sheeds and I did a long run through DC...started at the Iwo Jima memorial (which is only like a mile from my apartment!) and did a great run through DC along Rock Creek Parkway, which kind of reminds me of the Fells...lots of trails and paved roads through a woodsy parkway. It was a pretty chilly morning...I'm sure not as cold as Boston though, Jenn...and by the end I was ready for our routine post-run stop at Greenberry's! It's this little coffee shop right near our apartment with really tasty coffees, muffins, and tasty treats. Gotta refuel!