Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Long Run

My run last Saturday was 18 miles. This weekend I will try for the big 2-0. There is really not much to report....I did it by myself because John was out of town. It's weird but I think I run better by myself sometimes anyway. When he's not there to complain to, I suck it up! Anyway, it was a nice run. I mostly stayed off the roads and ran on running paths and trails. I ran around Lake Fayetteville (see picture), which I do often and is 5.5 miles, part trails and part paved. I ran around it twice. It is hard to find a loop around here that isn't super hilly, and repeating myself was a way to make it so. Not that I avoid hills....I mean, I know I need them. But the hills around here are like WALL hills. Short and steep. Not ideal on your 15th mile. A typical 5-miler near my house can be pretty crazy. Someday I'll post an elevation profile of a run.

But I digress. Another point: I LOVE GU. On my long runs I typically bring a gu or two and eat one every hour or so. And I carry a water bottle. Somehow I find it the most delicious thing ever after running for a long time. I've tried drinking gatorade but I can't handle it. It sloshes too much in my stomach. Do you guys carry fluids/calories? (I know Jenn Edelmann is a camel....).

And my final point....every time I finish a long run I am always thinking, How on EARTH did I run a marathon last year, and a lot faster than this too? I guess it was adrenaline and tapering and a lot of hard work. But running this long is no joke. Crashing on the couch and eating Mini-Egg pancakes is perfectly excusable. (Just kidding...there is NO excuse for eating Mini-Egg pancakes...that is just weird, Caputo!) After my long run I.....ate grilled cheese and tomato soup and then did my taxes. I think I fell asleep at 9 that night though, don't worry.

1 comment:

Megan D said...

Looks very nice!! I wouldn't mind running there, maybe 8 miles... :)