Monday, February 25, 2008

26 Miles Running Aint That Bad...

Hi Friends:
I am not a marathon runner. I like to spectate and ride my bike along...26 miles running certainly sounds like a long way. Well here's a short story to make it sound much more manageable perhaps :)

So I gave my ex-boyfriend Tim a call on Saturday night. It was his birthday. I ask how he is. He says "Great!" Always happy that boy. "Except for one thing. I have a broken leg." I ask him how did he break it, knowing full well it must have happened surfing, his passion in life. He said yes, he was surfing and fell on a massive rock and broke his tibia and couldn't walk etc. "Where were you?" I ask. He proceeds to tell me about his 4-day adventure to the 'Lost Coast' of California. At the 'Lost Coast' way up in Humboldt County CA, there is a 30-mile stretch of untouched land, forest, and beach, with no roads or people anywhere. Many people do a 3 day hike through Lost Coast to get away from it all. It is very beautiful I can assert.

Tim was hiking Lost Coast and decided to spend a few days surfing about 20 miles from his car, he was camping out, surfing, and spending time with his Dog Bunker. Well one day he breaks his leg surfing and there is nobody in sight for miles and miles, no phones, no car, no nothing. So he goes on to drink half a bottle of tequila that night because he is in agonizing pain and cannot walk. Finally the next afternoon a couple hikes by and he hobbles over, giving them some phone numbers telling his situation. A day and a half later, Tim got helicoptered out of the Lost Coast by the Coast Guard and put right into a cast. Tim said he would not have made it and stayed in good measure if not for his dog Bunker!

He said 20 miles sounded like the farthest thing in the world that day.
Yet many marathon runners can run 20 miles in 2 hours! If only you were there to help ;)
Happy Training. You guys got it going on, I'll say!!

1 comment:

Nodine said...

Oh my Goodness! Poor Tim! He's very brave. That was a good story though. I'm glad he's okay and I hope he heals fast. And it was very relevant because 20 miles is about what many of us ran this weekend....well, I ran 18, but close enough. I will do a real post soon.