Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Adventures from Caputo

Hey everyone! I was so excited to see new posts I had to respond right away, even though I'm work right now hehe. Sooo, my runs have been going well...although I had a little scare last Tuesday after work. It started to rain after work and the temperature dropped really quickly, so the rain started turning to ice when it hit the ground...and some areas quicker than others. I was walking along, happy to be out of work...and hurrying to the metro...when all of a sudden...I slipped on the sidewalk...flew in the air...and literally landed on my back! Just imagine a cartoon character getting the rug pulled out from under them and that was me!! No joke! I was ok, thank god...I saw two other people do the same exact thing in the next 5 min. It was treacherous! The secretary of defense slipped and broke his shoulder that night...and I think about half my office slipped and fell. Not wanting to push it too hard, I took Wednesday off from running and relaxed. And I was able to run Thurs through Sunday with no problem so I'm glad that fall didn't take me out for a while!

I did 17 on Saturday with Stef and Sheeds which went pretty well...we ran part with our friend Tim so it was an entertaining run. We actually ran out to Hains Point...I'm sure you've seen this picture before!

Oh and I've been doing yoga which has been awesome! I think it's really going to help me with jsut being stronger overall.

As of right now, my marathon goal time is 3:20, although I may revisit this goal and maybe push it a little faster! Mary, we should try and run together...I bet we will be in the same corral! (I was 3:32 from last year...). I invited Lolly to this post who is one of Sheedy's runner friends and who ran a 3:32 in Dallas so she will be right near us also. I think we need a name for our team...

Happy running! Post soon.


1 comment:

Nodine said...

Hi guys! As I mentioned before, my goal is 3:20-3:25. I ran 3:35 in Austin, but I know I could have run faster because I was really pulling John along for the last quarter of it and we slowed down quite a bit (I love that boy but he doesn't like to train consistently!). Caput, we should totally run together, at least at the start. Based on my training pace, I don't know if anything faster than 3:20 is realistic for me, but you never know! Tapering works miracles. Glad you are okay after your fall! That is scary