Monday, February 18, 2008

happy pres day!

hello everyone!
mary, sorry to hear that you didn't get today off.
but congrats on that awesome pace run and your 17-miler!

like you, i don't have too much exciting to report to the blog crew. this weekend i ran a 16-miler along the charles river. (next weekend i plan to jump up to 20).
this morning's run was fabulous (fyi, that's sarcasm). i didn't think it was raining too decided to go out again to the river (since i had run on a treadmill yesterday and couldn't bear the thought of another run on that machine). anyways, so at first it was fine....raining somewhat steadily but all in all, not too bad. then i crossed to the cambridge side and was heading in the opposite direction and it was like all hell broke lose. the sky opened up and rain just poured down. and the wind was insane. the raindrops were literally stinging my sucked so much i almost had to laugh out loud during the run. but nonetheless i finished the mileage i wanted to do. and spent the rest of the day warm and cozy in my tufts sweatshirt.

by the way, am i allowed to ask what everyone's goal times are for boston? and has everyone on this blog already run a marathon?
as for me, i'm taking this marathon as a 'let's see what i can do with limited training' other marathons, i've been much more insane with my preparation (track workouts, running journal, hill workouts, etc.).....but i've decided to go easy this go-around.

well....hope everyone had a good 3 or 2-day weekend.
keep up the good work ladies! almost to the 2-month mark!

1 comment:

Nodine said...

Jenn, you are TOUGH. I bet it was cold rain, too. (But I guess you also had no choice but to run back once you had already passed your turnaround point!)