Monday, February 4, 2008

Poor Patriots! :(

Morning ladies! How was everyone's weekend? Did you all enjoy your long runs?

The mood is pretty sullen and dreary here in Boston.....poor Tom & crew. Though I must admit I'm kinda pumped b/c I won some money from our office pool.

Anyways, this weekend my runs went pretty well. I did an easy 14 miler on Saturday along the Charles. It was sunny and somewhat mild.....yet I was fighting a nasty headwind on the Cambridge side.

Yesterday I went for a brisk 7.5 on the Charles again. Funny story - did the run with a random guy that I had met at the Field (bar in Central) on Saturday night. (By the way, for the record, I don't normally do this). My friend Emma and I just started talking wtih some guys and it came out in the conversation that I was a runner and was training for Boston....and one of the guys said he was into triathlons and had run a marathon in Buenos Aires....and he was dumbfounded when he asked my best marathon he said we should run together on Sunday. Little did I know he would totally kick my ass and we would be sprinting the whole time. But it was a nice change of pace...and perhaps we'll run together again soon. :)

Alrighty....time to start the workday.
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Nodine said...

Jenn! That's a great story....good job going running with your random new-bar-friend. Also hard core running a brisk 7.5 miles the day after your long run! Ah, I miss running on the Charles.

I ran 16 yesterday and I was not a happy camper. It was warmer than usual and my legs weren't feeling snappy at all....luckily John ran the whole thing with me and dragged me through the end. Hopefully next long run will be better...

I don't envy you Bostonians up there in Losing-Patriot world. I've never actually been there when they lost a super bowl (wait when has that actually happened?) but I remember the sadness on the streets when the Sox lost to the Yanks in 2003. It was quite a game though....