Thursday, February 28, 2008

run like the wind!

hey girls! just wanted to wish you all a happy running weekend. i'm off for a short stint (don't think i've ever actually used that word before) with the 'rents in miami so will be taking this weekend 'off'....which means i will do my best to run some, but will likely not do a super long run and my main goal is to rest and relax and get refreshed for the last bit of the boston winter and marathon training.

lauren, i understand your obsession. sometimes i just feel like my body itself is craving a power yoga class. don't get me wrong, usually i'm cursing the instructor under my breath for the first 20 minutes of class....but by the end, without a doubt, i'm so content and stretched out and at peace, that it makes it all worth it. (ha! that's the yogi inside of me speaking)

what do i do for cross-training? usual week consists of only running 4 days (this is a new thing for me, and was hard to accept at the beginning.....but it's just the way it worked out b/c lots of times i'll have to do my workout at 5:30 am before work...and with it cold and dark and snowy, running just wasn't going to happen). i try to run 4 days per week, and on 2 days i do the elliptical machine in the morning....and then either a yoga class or indoor rock climbing in the evening (which i also highly recommend as a fun alternative to strength training......see picture).

great job with the blogging!

1 comment:

Nodine said...

Is that you in the picture? That is so hard core! Someday I need to try rock climbing.

Have fun in Miami, Jenn! I am going to Cancun this weekend/early next week for a conference. Really, for a conference! I don't know how much running I will get in but I am cutting out of work early today for my 20-miler. Wish me luck! And a Happy Weekend to all.