Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spin Class

Hello buddies!

First, Jenn, I just want to tell you how much I am OBSESSED with power yoga! I am so excited to go to the class every weekend. I only go once a week too, but just that has actually given me shoulders and I swear I have better posture...I don't slouch as much! I've never been to that studio in Porter Sq. but everyone I know that has gone there has raved about it. I will have to go next time I'm home.

And Mary, don't knock the cadbury mini-egg pancake til you try it! If you like chocolate you'll be in heaven :) Maybe I should try marketing it?!

This morning I went to a Spin Class with Sheeds at Gold's Gym. I was sorta nervous at first since I had never been to one before and it sounded pretty hardcore....but I really liked it and it was a great workout! I think anything longer than 45 min though would have been tough...I started looking at the clock with 15 min to go. The instructor is this guy in his early 30s...pretty hilarious with his remarks...and he played 90s rock music the majority of the time. Brought me back, I must say. It was definitely a nice change-up to using the elliptical or biking on your own. What do you guys usually do for cross training and how often? To be honest, I only cross train when I'm really sick of running or if I have an injury, but this morning I went just for fun...makes me remember that cross training is a really good workout too.


1 comment:

Nodine said...

Hmmm, the mini-egg pancake. Okay, I will remain open-minded. What I don't understand is, did you crush the mini-eggs or leave them whole? If you left them whole it seems overwhelming. And messy. I really want to see pictures. Why didn't you take pictures?!

Cross training....I think I don't really cross train! In my normal life I do lots of biking and some swimming, but in my marathon-training life I pretty much just run. But I still take two days a week off. On my days off sometimes I do yoga, but it's not usually really hard aerobic yoga. Sometimes I do go to an advanced class where we do handstands and headstands (at the wall) and hold warriors for a long time.I LOOOOVE yoga. But no hot yoga because I hate sweating. Wow, I sound really lame! This is why I can't live in the South for too much longer.

Anyway, Caputo and Jenn, you are super hard core with your spinning and power yoga. I have a really hard time sweating one day I did four miles on a treadmill and I swear it felt like ten.